Technical Overview
The files for this project are managed with Git, which is a tool for tracking changes and versions of code. Our Git project (or “repository”) is hosted by a website called Github.
Setting up your Local Environment
To make edits to this project and contribute them, you will need to make a local copy of the project on your own computer.
Install Git
Make sure you have Git installed. If you’re on Linux or Mac, it may be pre-installed for you.
If not, follow the installation instructions.
Clone the Project
Run this command to create a local copy, or “clone”, of the project on your computer:
Terminal window git clone -
Install Node
This project requires the Node.js runtime in order to run. See the installation instructions.
Install pnpm
Terminal window npm i -g pnpm -
Set up your Editor
If you don’t already have a preferred code editor, we suggest VSCode. This project contains files that will automatically configure some VSCode settings for you and suggest the appropriate plugins needed to give you syntax highlighting and autocompletion.
Start it Up!
Now you’re ready to launch the site and start making edits.
Terminal window pnpm devThis will launch the local development server. Go to localhost:4321 to see a live copy of the site. It will automatically update as you make changes.
© 2024 The Great Outdoors. CC BY-NC-SA 4.0